Every Story Written is a blog and podcast that seeks to redeem literature through critical thinking and love of the Truth. About Every Story Written is a podcast and blog by Steph Simmons. ...

Every Story Written is a blog and podcast that seeks to redeem literature through critical thinking and love of the Truth.
Every Story Written is a podcast and blog by Steph Simmons. Steph is (full disclosure) a friend of mine and fellow graduate of The Master’s University. She loves the Lord, stories, and language. Her podcast and blog critically analyalyzes books through a biblical lens. It is engaging and informative about books and genres that Christians may not be as familiar with.
Score Breakdown:
Treatment of Scripture:
Every Story Written holds a high view of scripture. Scripture is used every episode in an accurate way. There are many other times where she alludes to scripture with a proper interpretation.
Biblical Goals:
Every Story Written is written for the goal to redeem literature by thinking through it biblically. This would fall into a practical application 1 Corinthians 10:5 where she is taking the thoughts of these books captive and destroying any lofty arguments against Christ.
Biblical Terminology:
Steph frequently references the heart and other similar biblical terms. She could reference scripture more when they are used, but it may be difficult in podcast form.
Biblical Hope:
Steph presents hope in the character of God, the gospel, and the Bible as the solution to our problems.
Gospel Concepts:
Steph present gospel concepts and points listeners to the need for a savior in most episodes. She discusses sin, the affects of depravity, the need for a savior, and the sufficiency of Christ.
Practicality and Helpfulness:
Every Story Written is helpful to further understand certain genres of literature and learn discernment in reading fiction works. She also discusses themes in the work with practical and biblical perspective. Perhaps it could be more practical with some sort of reading guide to accompany the listener if they wanted to read the work she is referencing, but that would take a lot of work.
Discipleship Use:
Every Story Written could be helpful to teach teens or adults on how to read and interpret fiction literature with a biblical worldview in an informal discipleship setting. It may also be helpful for book groups as an example of how they should be reading.
Personal Use:
I personally enjoy Every Story Written and think it will edifying to me personally as I read books and seek to think through them in a way that honors God. I would recommend this for personal use and would be very helpful to help personal growth in discernment.
Other Thoughts:
I appreciate that Steph holds to an objective standard for qualifying “good writing.” This is refreshing in a world of subjectivity.
Episodes Listened To:
- Absurdity Here, Absurdity There, Absurdity Everywhere
- What A Story CAN and CANNOT Do
- Languaging with a Linguist
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