An engaging yet heartbreaking account of a young woman's worship of her mother throughout childhood, acting career, and eating disorders. Synopsis: I'm Glad My Mom Died was well-written and often h Read more
Book Review: R. C. Sproul: A Life
Stephen Nichols draws from an immense amount of resources, interviews, videos, and personal experience to masterfully communicate the life and teaching of a tremendous pastor-theologian. The result: R. C. Sproul: A Life is an edifying enjoyment to read.
Book Review: A Painful Past – Healing and Moving Forward
How to heal from a painful past? Bible passages about healing? Lauren Whitman seeks to give a gentle and devotional answer, but I don’t know if I would recommend it.
Book Review: The Emotionally Abusive Parent
What does the bible say about emotional abuse? Dr. Anne Dryburgh has written a tender and God-centered resource for those struggling with emotional abuse from their parents and what God’s word says about it.