Meet Us


Nathan serves in the local church as a children’s ministry intern. He graduated with his BA in Microbiology but decided he wanted to learn how to disciple men full time every day for the rest of his life. So he fills his time with full time seminary. He loves rock climbing, learning from YouTube, and enjoys the outdoors of SoCal with Alethia in as many ways as possible.


Alethia counsels women in the local church with her MABC and ACBC certification. She is pretty nerdy with a BA in Biblical Exposition and Biblical Languages. She has wanted her life to be about the church and loves to serve with Nathan. She loves outdoor adventures and tries to sustain her love of running in hot SoCal.

Why "Berean Pursuits"?

We both love the Bible and love the church. There is so much information on the internet, but there still were major topics not being addressed. We decided to create the website “Berean Pursuits” to address some of the topics which are not addressed and further strengthen the church. We decided on the name because it’s what we seek to be–people who examine the scriptures to see what is accurate (Acts 17:10-11).

We seek to be faithful examiners to see what aligns with God’s word. While we are definitely not perfect in our conclusions, we seek to really delve into what God’s word says about any issue. We want to be as scripturally centered in everything we do, and we hope that this small compilation of our thoughts is also helpful to strengthen the church.

What We Believe

God is holy and cannot have sin in his presence, yet all men are sinful in accordance with their desires. Jesus is 100% God and Man. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose again. Those who believe in Christ’s atonement on their behalf are saved. They repent of their sin and turn to God, living life with him as their king.  


Literal Grammatical Historical Hermeneutics

We interpret the Bible not according to our own experiences or the beliefs of others, but through careful study and seeking to understand what the author meant according to his background and argument. There is only one interpretation of a passage, but many applications. 


God is the Holy Sovereign Creator

God is separate from sin and cannot have sin in his presence without destroying it. He knows all, controls all, and orchestrates his plan for the world. He is the creator and king of the universe. As such he perfectly understands reality and deserves perfect allegiance from his creation. 


Scripture is Inspired Authoritative Sufficient

Scripture is written by men through the Holy Spirit to communicate God’s word. As being written by God, it holds the same authority as God himself. It is all that we need to understand how to live life and solve life’s problems. 


Comments, Suggestions, Questions?